they make fun of me just because i have a different religion then them.the school staff wont do anything about it either. its like they are completely ignoing me.i fell like i want to scream.i am a seventh day adventist and i go to a baptist school. can someone please help me.
My classmates keep on making fun of me. how do i make them stop?
Send them backwards in time
Reply:swtich schools.
Reply:just ignore them. it is the only thing that will work. be your own person and be proud, no matter how tough. eventually, the people worth knowing will be obvious and the teasers will get bored.
Reply:Really your parents should go the administration, Since I assume they are paying for the "private Baptist school". They should remind the school you deserve a safe learning experience regardless of what u believe otherwise they should place u else a charter school or even Catholic school (as much as I hate to say it)
PS good luck.. I'm sure you are a good student and a good person
Reply:Well that's school for you, kids are pretty immature but some of them never grow up that's why we have religious fanatics.
Reply:Put your trust in God. Ask Him to help you. Ask that His will be done in regard to your life and this problem in your school. Then hang in there and be faithful to Him and all will work for the best. I am a Seventy-day Adventist as well. Society does persecute us in many ways. What you have to put with is common. Always stand up for the truth. Defend your beliefs with Bible texts.
Reply:Tell them to stop. OR Just make friends with people who dont make fun of you and keep away from the bullys. If you cant take it you could beat up one of them.(but then you might get hurt to)
Reply:Talk to the school board.
Reply:Oh man, I was in your place. Not over religion though. They got to the point where they were physically hurting me and the teachers did nothing.
I have to say that the only way it was solved was that I moved to a different city.
I'm not sure what to tell you but I do want to ask why you told them your religion. You need to learn that there are some things people just don't need to know. That's one of them.
I hope you figure it out. I suggest talking to your parents and seeing if that gets any results.
Reply:Ask them to show you in the Bible where God condones their behavior towards you. Ask them if they feel they are being a positive reflection of the Baptist church by their actions. Ask them if they feel their harassment is Christlike.
That should shut them up.
God bless you sweetie. School is hard. Life is hard. God is good. Cling to Him %26amp; you'll be just fine.
Reply:R Monster go to school with u one day fix problemRRRaAAAA!!!!
Reply:just act like it doesn't bother you. be a snob...act like they aren't good enough for you and ignore them. If you eat in the cafeteria, take a magazine in with you, walk in, sit down somewhere and eat your lunch while reading. Don't even make eye contact with anyone. Go about your own business like no one else is there. Even wear headphones and listen to an ipod or disc man. Be the best that you can, if someone says something just respond politely with close-ended answers. Do the best you can, just focus on your classes...and get the best grades you can.
Reply:Tell them you were considering becoming Baptist until you met them.
Reply:Hope this helps.
Just ask God to love them. Ask Him to let you see you through their eyes.
It isn't fair, but Satan has a lock on Earth right now and is making our lives Hell.
Don't let Satan win.
Perfect love casts out ALL fear. Ask God for the spirit of forgiveness and start to pray that God will change ALL your hearts.
He came to set the captives free.
Free them with perfect Love.
That was what Jesus did and does,
God Bless you on your new life in setting the Captives free!
Reply:Keep quiet. They have short term memories.
Reply:Its not very tolerant for them to make fun of you!! Just keep on believing in what you believe in and stay strong. Pray to your God for help if it makes you stronger. Good luck.
PS. There is always the option of moving to another school if you really cant handle it. :)
Reply:first of all your parents shouldn't have put you in that school. my best advice to you is to ask your parents to transfer you, or you can always start beating there heads together then you'll get kicked out of that school and you'll have to transfer
Reply:Don't listen to them, there are fools everywhere and teachers who keep quite about students mistakes are just waste of nature they are just animals who eat and drink and have sex, nothing to them will make a difference.
If you can bare what they say and stay safe heart, then keep there for sometime, they will stop after sometime.
Reply:What were your parents thinking! What does an SDA have in common with a Baptist? You can say that at least you know what God says about the Seventh day, and when they say that they do not know or can not know which day is the Seventh you can say, but I bet you know which day is the first. You can also quote Scripture to them. Gen 2:1-3, Isa 56:2; Mark 2:27,28; Rev 12:14; 14:17. There are many from which to choose from.
Do you have e-Sword on your computer? It is free. Just go to and down load it, and get all of the free stuff that goes with it too. This is an invaluable tool.
I wish you Gods speed, sister. Hold fast your faith, and in the end you will be much stronger for it. I am sure that God did not put you in that situation for you to fail, He must have known that you could take it, and that it would build up your faith. Study His word for your self! Never take anyones word on anything about the Bible, that you do not study for your self! Use the Strong's notations, they really help a lot.
Reply:This has worked for many people in the past. I do not claim it will work for you, however, its worth a try.
As you pass through this crowd of classmates at lunch time, tilt your head high into the air, pointing your nose at the sky. Then when you are in the midst of them, raise your right hand to your face and pinch your nose till you have passed by them all. Stop and turn around while lowering your head, release your nose, and stare at each and every one of them.
I don't recommend doing this alone. Have a teacher nearby for your own safety.
Reply:Get your heaviest textbook and whack them in the head.
Reply:punch them in the mouth. Sorry you are an adventist and they do try to live by the rules and the bible does say an eye for an eye. So you had better follow them rules.
Reply:If i was you i would hand this over to God, By hand it over to God i mean pray about it lay it at the foot of the Cross.and believe that your situation will change
You know that its amazing what can happened when you hand over your troubles to the Lord, For God can make the impossible happen
May the Spirit of Jesus touch you and your families hearts this Christmas and fill you with Peace, Joy and Love not just for now but for many years to come,
May he bless you all
Reply:If you are serious and you have already told your teachers and then your principal and they are not doing anything than go to the school board and possibly your local tv station.
Reply:Find out were they live then get revenge
Reply:Unfortunetley in a private school they have the right to think how they want and freedom of speech over their religions views.
If you dont want to get picked on just keep your head down and dont mention the 7th day adventist thing, you'll grow out of caring what people think baptist are #1 in thinking if your not one of them your going to hell.
Just be secure in who you are and your beliefs and soon the whole thing will blow over and be forgotten about.
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