Friday, July 9, 2010

My classmates allways tell me nasty sex stuff and I'm growing sick of it??

I'm SO SICK of it!!! all the people I've talked to about this tell me I must be doing something that makes them react that way but I'm NOT!!!

The worst thing is that teachers hear it and don't do ANYTHING about it...


My classmates allways tell me nasty sex stuff and I'm growing sick of it??
Either accept it until the end of the school year, or report it to someone "higher up", or tell your classmates kindly that you'd rather not hear those types of topics.

Edited: Those sexual comments equals sexual harassment. Report that to the police liaison officer.
Reply:You need to tell them that you don't want to hear it. I don't know why kids are so obsessed with talking about nasty stuff. Half of the time they don't even know what the heck they are talking about. That is so wrong that the teachers hear it and don't address it. You need to see your school counsler or principal and let them know what's going on and they need to let all students know that it won't be tolerated. You are not doing anything to warrant perverted comments. They probably just think it's funny and it doesn't bother you unless you tell them otherwise. However, don't be surprised if they make fun of you if you say something. It may happen. I would still tell them to knock it off though. Tell them to grow up. Kids are so perverted nowadays. We have the media to blame. You can't watch a sitcom in the evening without hearing a bunch of perveted innuendos nowadays. PLEASE TALK TO THE SCHOOL COUNSLER OR PRINCIPAL. If they don't listen, talk to your parents! They need to punish students for this behavior with detention.
Reply:Oh for Heavens sake jus tell them you are NOT interested in hearing those kinds of things.
Reply:In order to properly opine, I will need to know what they have told you. Type slowly....

THAT's the "nasty sex stuff" -- for crying out loud -- you're a little bit thin skinned aren't you? Those are joke pick-up lines, like -- Did you spray windex on your pants? Because I can see myself in them.......

I mean, really.... if you can't take that kind of innocent joking around, you're going to have a hard time in life....
Reply:brign it up to your principal tell them they harrass you if that done work tell your parents have them talk to the school. get a good guy friend and set the other boys strait. IDK guys are jerks
Reply:Just walk away... yell at them, and tell them to grow up, and you just don't want to hear it. Go to the principal and say there is innappropriate conversations going on, and you don't appreciate it and the teacher is doing nothing about it. Good luck hun!
Reply:Shame on the teachers for not handling this. That is sexual harassment and is taken very seriously in today's world. It makes me so mad, because a little boy gave a little girl in class a peck on the cheek and was suspended for sexual harassment. I know you and your classmates are much older, because he was at that age where he only knew how to spell his name. Confront the teachers. If they don't handle it, then take it to the principal. People who brag about their sexual experiences are usually very insecure. Hit them where it hurts. You could say something like, "you know what they say, those who talk about it the most, get it the least." They wouldn't want anyone to think that.
Reply:Tell your parents so they can go down to the school and raie Hell you shouldnt be treated that way. Why arent the teachers doing anything? I guess they are scared these days of students since all of these crazy school shootings have occured in hte pass years. TELL YOUR PARENTS!

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