i feel like ending my life now! i was so friendly with all of them and i helped them all the time, i swear i never backbited or didi anything against their wish and now they are ignoring me, not one or two but my 40 friends, i am getting sick and losing all my interest in health or studies, now i am not the same girl that i used to be, i can never forgive them because they treated me so badly, please advice me because i do not want to change my decision! i do not want to be the same generous girl again, i really want to hate them!they made me cry so many times and left me alone! i want to make them realize that they were wrong!
My classmates are ignoring me and they have crossed all the limits now?
40 friends... do you happen to know the reason why? You should at least have an idea otherwise, its a problem.
Email me. ^_^
Reply:ok first thing you need to do is get some new friends
if they cant be bothered being friendly with you then why bother?? there are loads of people in this world who would probably love to be your friend. you just need to be independant and find some. those people who are ignoring you are not worth it
Reply:First, you need to know why or what did you do to mke they ignore you. You can not do everything else for make them realize ( except tell the teachers ) that they were wrong. Once you have know that, you need to change or ignore what have you badly done for yourself in school. People will see it, ah, she is not like what our friends said to us ( realizing) she is nice nd she will be our nice friend.
Reply:well get used to it, first of all, i dont believe that the forty in your class were your friends. they are just kids just like you. friend is not anybody, is somebody that is with you all the time, good times and bad times. friend is a very special person in your life. true friends in your life are going to be few. so dont get frustrated if nobody wants to hang around with you. if nobody wants to talk to you, well, dont talk to them. meet new people. there is always somebody out there looking for a friend. PS. people sometimes fake that they are your friends to take advantage of you.
Reply:why are they ignoring you? i mean, if all of them are and not just a couple, maybe it's really something? you need to find out the reason why first then do something about it.
Reply:it's not to difficult to see that you are goingn through a stage that i went through. i thought that everybody was teasing me and that everybody was ignoring me.
i got through it by talking to people who i didn't kno and who were in my classes. i then grew to klnow that there were loads of people who liked me for the way i was and when i started in year 10 i found freinds who actually liked me such as my best freind. when i first met her she was a bit of a geek and i didn't want to talk to her because of that but now she is really nice and i have made many freinds because of her.
Reply:Hi Priya, you sound like the victim of bullying by nasty people. My advice is to get rid of them as they are not real friends anyway and no real loss. Go and hang out with people that make you feel good about yourself and do things that make you feel good to increase your confidence.
Don't let small minded people like this get you down, they are just not worth you being unhappy.
If things get really bad to the point where you can't cope, talk to a superior at your college/school they may be able to help. People like this only have power cause they are protected by the shield of silence.
I hope this helps and the universe will send you a good friend soon, you'll see.
Chin up babe. XX
Reply:so,shall i tell u onething that u have all the answers 2 ur questions in u. If they r insulted u means dont worry dear think that they r losing a generous, kind friend like u. u should b happy because ur more than them.B cool %26amp; do ur duties correctly,oneday they all will realize %26amp; th3ey would come 2 u.SO BE BINDASS %26amp;COOL
Reply:Approached one of your ex-friends and find out WHY they are ignoring you. Once you find out the reason, you can deal with the issue then.
Reply:If they're going to be immature, there really isn't anything you can do about it. Killing enemies WITH KINDESS usually works pretty well with immature brats which is what they seem to be.
Ending your life isn't the answer. Do you really want to die? How old are you? You have so much to look forward to. Plus, why give them the satisfaction?
I had a similar situation in middle school... I went to a small school with very bitchy girls, and although I went out of my way to always be there for my "friends", they turned on my at the drop of the hat because 1 girl didn't like me. Anyway, I ended up ingorning it and focusing on my school work. In high school I transferred, and things were a little better. At least I had some friends. Then I went to college. Because I had learned so much early on about how NOT to be a doormat, I was very successfull and popular. Anyway, I made lifelong friends that I am still in close contact with, and the girls that used to treat me like crap, are pathetic. haha I recently ran into one girl, and we were civil, but all of those girls are only friends with each other (they didn't meet anyone new in college) and they have menial jobs making minimum wage (some are even still living at home). I am in graduate school, will be making more in a week than they do in a year, and I have my own place. Not to mention the friends I made after them are a million times better than they could have ever been.
Reply:I don't know what it is that they did to you, nor do I know if there is anything that you don't realise you did to them, BUT .. just remember that there are billions of people in this world and probably LOADS of people who you'll get along with just as well, if not better.
I'm assuming that when you say 'classmates' that you're still at school, and if that's so, well, hey, .. Most people don't keep in contact with schoolmates after leaving school.
See what you can get involved with outside of school. Go to some kind of class that you're interested in or join some other kind of group. Your friends don't have to all go to the same school as you!
Reply:How can we advise you? Kids are fickle, one minute they like you, the next minute they hate you. If its really that bad can't you change schools? When you are older and wiser you will look back at all this and see how silly your classmates were, and how dumb kids can be. Just ignore them back and concentrate on your studies.
Reply:well sweety what did you do.and don't say nothing, the opposet sex should not be.and if so find an other class of friends, maybe you moved on and they didn't.just ignore them ,some will come back in time.
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