Friday, July 9, 2010

Shoucl classmates be allowed to call a gay teacher names like "BENDER" and "PATHFINDER" ?

No name calling is inappropriate and immature.

Shoucl classmates be allowed to call a gay teacher names like "BENDER" and "PATHFINDER" ?
No one is allowed to insult a person in anyway just because of his sexual preference.

It's very wrong.

Gay or not, he's your teacher and your classmates should respect him no matter what, because they wouldn't be happy if the teacher lost respect with any of them.
Reply:I believe it is wrong for anyone to call anyone else anything but their own name.

If it is meant for 'slander' or for 'ridicule' sake, that's harassment, and the teacher could indeed turn around and take these perpetrators to task.

Sad that this still goes one - but one day, it may just stop.

Reply:Absolutely not...and those students should recieve punishment for doing so!

Reply:It doesn't matter if a teacher is gay or straight, students should not be allowed to call him/her names. The idea of respecting others seems to be really lacking in American society today.
Reply:"hey it's that nazi "schrodinger_hated_ca"….

you know people like her shouldn't be allowed around children or anyone for that matter, they might become nazis."

I would certainly hope so. Better to be a Nazi than a queer. Oh, and I just LOVE my new uniform. It fits like a glove.

Reply:you bet, and any other name they can think of...
Reply:Absolutely not.

hey it's that nazi "schrodinger_hated_ca"….

you know people like her shouldn't be allowed around children or anyone for that matter, they might become nazis.
Reply:uh no... you should show respect to your teachers, as they are trying to help you start your life. I know a lot of the lessons are boring and you won't most of what you learn in the real world. But you never know... you might find something in one of your classes that really sparks your interest and find a career based around it. Good luck! :)
Reply:Absolutely not--under no circumstances. Teachers, faculty and everyone else for that matter should be respected as human beings--a part of the HUMAN race.
Reply:Your personal life and sexuality should never be a factor in how much respect you get as a teacher.

i do not believe any teacher should be called by any other name but Mr or Ms/Mrs Last name

even calling a teacher by their first name is inappropriate and disrespectful.

and as for the woman that said that homosexual people shouldn't be around children:

you need to shut the hell up you ignorant idiot and go educate yourself.

Reply:No, of course not!

It is not right to call ANYONE names.

If you find one of your classmates is perpetuating this hateful act, report them.

It needs to be stopped!
Reply:Only if he is one. lmao
Reply:Only an immature, ignorant idiot would stoop to such childish name-calling.

I hope whoever these children are get their butts whooped and thrown out of school for their hate-speech crimes.

And I sure as hell hope someone educates them on how wrong they are before they go from name-calling to physical violence.
Reply:No=------- teachers should be respected as long as they respect you. They are there to help you learn on little pay.
Reply:Bender. Pathfinder.
Reply:Hi why would you even want to they are giving you an education that to be honest by the sound of this question you desperately need,
Reply:bender - lol oh man

what about fudge packer

teeth bleaching

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