Monday, August 16, 2010

Do colleges look at classmates' grades?

The Spanish class I take is very hard. Everyone in my class is smart, but most are not doing so well. For example, a lot are/were getting C+/B. However, people who took the Spanish Regents said the regent was so easy compared to her class.

So as compared to an easy Spanish class where students get much higher scores, does getting a not-so-high score in her class look bad to colleges????????????

Do colleges look at classmates' grades?
college admission officers have no time to look up the grades of fellow classmates. they need permission from the students to see their grades (just like you must sign a sheet to send transcripts out). colleges get so many applications that what they see is what you give them.

also, to your question on is it better to do good in an easy class or to do not-so-high in a challenging class...i would have to say neither. for more prestigious colleges, you should be doing good in hard classes. but for easier colleges either way would prob. work.
Reply:They don't look at classmates grades. Do you know how long that would take for them to pull the class record? They only look at what is on your transcript.

gold teeth

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