Monday, August 16, 2010

Help me convince my classmates that cow-tipping is impossible.?

In my class it is about 20 people to 1 that cow-tipping is possible. I grew up on a farm so I know it can't be done. Most of them believe that cows sleep standing up!(is impossible because their knees cannot lock). They also think they could sneak up on a cow if it wasn't sleeping; though I've told them that cows can see 360 degrees around themselves because of the position of their eyes. They just can't grasp the facts that a cow is like a brick wall, it would attack you or run away, and that no matter how many people you have it can't be done. Studies have shown it would take at least ten people (if a cow could actually "tip," which it can't) to "tip" a cow. But that many people cannot fit along the side of a cow, only 3 or 4 can at the most. They use arguments like: "all you have to do is get it on two legs, and then it'll tip." That won't happen because their center of gravity is lower that a Hummer's. Help me convince them that they are wrong.

Help me convince my classmates that cow-tipping is impossible.?
Okay, well, it's obviously NOT impossible if people have done it. Have you even tried? Or are you just assuming it's not possible?
Reply:I know it was done in Northern Ca many years ago.. but they pushed them down the hill.. Very cruel..
Reply:What you are going top have to do is expain again.

they will have to listen in the end. expalin to them that you lived on a farm.

but first try making them laugh. they will listen to you if you kake them laugh.

If they still don't listen then then what you are going to have to is let them get on with it.

i know it's crule bt they will learn from there mistakes,

and i actually don't think they will get around to doing it

Hang in there

hope it helps


computer networking

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