Monday, August 16, 2010

Why can't my classmates accept this?

I'm friends with a guy in my class and for some reason, my class keeps being immature and spreading rumors saying that I "like-like" him. I only like him as a friend!!!!!! What can I do to prove to the class that GIRLS can be friends with GUYS without being in love???

I've tried to ignore it but then the gossip just grows even more rapidly, so DON'T SUGGEST IGNORING IT. -___-

Why can't my classmates accept this?
their probably jealous
Reply:dont tlk 2 his as much in class. tlk 2 him on the fone or something. if u dont want the atation, tell only 1 of the girls that ur not that close, just friends.
Reply:in my opinion you don't owe anyone an explanation becuase you know how you feel about just seem to be more mature than them ast this point and they will soon get it one day...just keep being yourslef and don't worry
Reply:well, if there IS a guy u like then it may be a good time to ask him out or persue him. you could hook ur friend up with someone else. or u can tell ur classmates that u think that u like someone else that u kinda might like. if you dont like anyone else then u should just tell them u dont like him without getting offensive about it just tell them calmly and if they bug u just roll your eyes at them or little things like that untill it stops

teeth whitening

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